Monday, September 27, 2010


There is a new post on one of the blogs I follow that I want to share with you.
I love the quotes she uses, and her outlook is so positive. inspiring.
Just what I needed to hear today--

This is one (NieNie being the other one) of my all time FAVORITE blogs for a few reasons:

1) My heart hurts for this sweet mother every day- but yet she pushes forward and puts her faith in Christ.
2) She inspires me in soo many ways-
3) Her sure commitment and strength of the gospel is such a testimony builder to me
4) She is a loving mom just like me- any of us moms out there.
5) Every one has trials- and her post on "I can do hard things" is one of the most amazing things I have ever read in my life-- so true.
(see link at end of post to read it-- highly reccommend it!)

*****The Sullengers

Please check out this blog-- it is a "journal" by a truly beautiful woman, her great husband, and the trials as she copes with as a wife and mother.

(summary: She lost her 18 month old daughter this past summer. Her blog posts during that time are so precious and personal- I cried every time I read them. Her love for the Lord and all these people- friends or strangers- that have impacted and influenced her life amongst all this- it is amazing how the Lord works. She is such an example to me! Her husband sold for one of the companies Nick works for in the past - and I was given her blog info and asked to keep them in my prayers during this big trial. Now I am a committed follower to this blog- and it has really helped me grow.)

"Gratitude on a daily basis means we express appreciation for what we have now without qualification for what we had in the past or desire in the future."

-Robert D. Hales

Here is the post that I absolutely fell in love with-- I really do say it to myself daily- especially when I am feeling down in the dumps-- so motivating! check it out:

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